Contact me
💬 " Network intelligence is the ability to learn from a diverse group of connections. Wherever you work, look beyond your walls: there are more smart people outside than inside your organization. " - Reid Hoffman
Currently, I live in Paris , the
most beautiful city in the world.
Contact me, and I will answer you 📨 under 24h and often even faster:
If you want to send me 🔐 confidential messages, encrypt it:
Public key
- Fingerprint: 28AA CCDE FDF4 B96A 49B0 4999 146C 9D71 72B4 B4F2
If you are a peer, a reader, or a editor, give me feedback or suggestions about the content that you would like to have. So I can publish content on topics or media that you are interested in.
If you are a start upper, explain me your project.
If you are a recruiter, please get in touch with me via LinkedIn, and I will answer you. If I am not available for a new job opportunity, I could redirect you to another person in my network. But please, take into consideration my profile by being relevant.
If you are an events organizer, I am often interested in being a guest speaker.
If you are a researcher, I am curious to exchange about your research challenges, to be interviewed, to co-write a paper or to review papers.
If you are a student or a teacher, I give courses as a teacher or teaching fellow about computer and data science for informatics and mathematics, I can be interested in the participation courses and/or tutorials.
Else it will be pleasure to discover who you are!
Follow me
Follow me on these different platforms, my pseudo is either
and/or gilleslegoux: